Tag: django

django REST framework

Resources for creating an API for FATT

During recent conversations on FATT Slack Channels, the topic of creating the server-side end of things came up. For those of us not imursed in server-side or backend development, this recommendation may come in handy.

  • Start with a solid tutorial on building an API with Django REST Framework with a database backend.
  • The client’s (devices) “may” make requests to servers but there’s no hard requirement for it.  For the NOMCON FATT project authentication was handled via lists on the devices and didn’t need a central server.   Implementing FATT in a space setting will mean some combination of new architecture or integrating with existing architecture so that whitelists/authentication is dynamic and updates as members are added or leave.
This post is a summary of the Slack conversation whose primary contributors were Matt Arcidy and Chris Sader. 


The FATT Experience at NOMCON

  • Fun interactive access point devices were placed throughout the conference, including:
    • 3 LED light sculptures
    • 2 Digital Magic 8-Balls
    • 2 Minty Boxes (mint dispensers)
  • Each participant was given a unique RFID page to use when interacting with the installations
  • The data was then exported to a dashboard at nomcon.foballthethings.org
  • On Sunday we wrapped with a lively discussion about the future of affordable access points in spaces. We came up with a first 60 Plan!
  • Here is the session deck